Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How The Speed Statistic Works, And How to Make it Work For You

Basics Speed determines the amount of Action Points (AP) a champion rune recieves each turn. The amount of AP a champ has on a given turn is directly related to how effective that champ will be that turn. This makes Speed the most important stat on any champion.

Effective Speeds and AP The amount of AP a champ receives per turn is determined by their Speed divided by 2 (rounded up) + 1. For example, a champion with a speed of 8 will gain 5 AP per turn. Because of the rounding up while determining AP, the ideal speed for every champion are odd numbers, either 9 or 11. This allows the champion to gain the maximum benefit in terms of AP generation for nora / cp cost (given that speed 10 or 12 would make the champ cost more nora but give the same AP per turn).
Upgrading every champ to at least a speed of 9 is considered standard. Upgrading to 11 Speed is something that depends on individual champions and battlegroups. Some champs have an ideal speed at 13 speed, though this is something that only applies to champions in the K’thir Forest faction.

Basics of Counting Squares and APCounting squares is something that all good Poxnora players will intuitively do. To count squares effectively, remember that:
1. Moving a champ costs 1AP per square. 2. Attacking with a champ costs 3AP on the first attack and another 5 AP to attack again. 3. 8 AP is the magic number to attack twice. 4. Champs with speed 9 or 10 will gain 6 AP a turn. 5. Champs with speed 11 or 12 will gain 7 AP a turn. 6. Champs with speed 13 will gain 8 AP a turn. 7. There are many, many champs that cause exceptions to these rules. What these basic rules do is allow you to determine an opposing champ’s effective range or what champs it can be capable of attacking. So for example:
1.Look at the champ’s speed. For this example, say speed 9. 2.Look at how much AP it currently has. For this example, say 0 AP. 3.You now know how much AP it is going to have next turn. (0 AP + 6 AP generated = 6 AP). 4.The most important step is to look at any abilities the champ may have. 5.Put these numbers together to determine where that champ can attack. So our example champion will have 6 AP to move and attack. Since every champions first attack costs 3 AP, the champion can only attack anything that is within 3 spaces (i.e. 6 AP total – 3 AP to attack – 3 AP for 3 spaces moved). Note that knowing what abilities a champ may have is key to advanced Square Counting.
Thus, to avoid being attacked by that champion in the next turn, keep your champions at least 4 spaces away.
Counting squares and AP also applies to your own champions. Every move you want to make should either maximize your own AP (i.e. let every movement allow your champs to attack or allow your champs to gain 8 AP to attack an opponent) or mess with your opponent’s ability to attack (moving just one square out of range).
Counting Squares vs AP Management So you’ve counted squares and your champ can attack an opposing champion? Before you send your champ into the fray, know that there is a basic tactic of Poxnora: attacking twice is better than attacking once.
Understand that champions retain AP (with the exception of champions with the Berserker ability) so not all AP need be spent each turn. In fact, the maximum amount of AP a champ can store is equal to it’s speed. It is often advantageous to save AP if you want to change your plans next turn, or if you want to stay out of range this turn. Saving more AP is also a benefit of higher speed -- you have a higher maximum AP. Champions with 9 speed can spend until 3; 11 speed can spend until 4, and 13 speed can spend until 5 with no loss in AP next turn.
Thus, when you move a champ to attack your opponent, know how much AP they are going to have next turn. They do not waste AP in movement, meaning they have more AP with which to attack. Be wary of the number 8 especially, since that is the number that allows two attacks per turn.

Advanced Square Counting(To be completed)
Ranged Attacks:
Ability Modifiers:
There are a wide range of abilities that certain champions can possess that change the basic rules of movement and AP generation. (Notes will be added to each specific ability).
Abilities that have different AP costs of attacks
Frost Cone
Barrage and Pummel
Blood Rage
Abilities that cause different AP generation
War Cry
Battle Drum
Abilities that affect movement
Beckon Demon
Relocate Ally
Catapult and Leap
Spell Modifiers:
Speed Modifiers:
K’thir Forest Speed Bonus

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