Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pox Nora Conspiracy Theory!

Maybe it is old news, but just discovered this gem on Pox Wiki, quoted below. It's a conspiracy theory! Gotta love it! This just goes to show how fanatical some players get about their favorite game. Personally, I think the developers created eight very strong individual factions, each with their own strengths and weakness, but which together as either Protectorate or Wrath make for pretty balanced and diverse opponents. Plus, continuing development means constant tweaking, new rune additions, and new synergies, all of which contribute to an ever-changing power curve. I would take the following info with a grain of salt, but a fun read nonetheless.

"Lighthouse is a rumored secret society within the community of Poxnora.

Lighthouse was first mentioned in a thread started by Sarahzoe in reference to a group of prominent players that were behind the Nora Freeze nerf. The story is that Sarahzoe was contacted by Lighthouse to create a series of threads to try and sway the community to prevent the Nora Freeze nerf, and later to retract the nerf or "fix" the rune. phaeton426 and ssez are rumored to be at the head of Lighthouse, which is perpetuated by the creation of a guild called, Lighthouse by phaeton426 and ssez. Others feel that this was only an attention grabbing scheme by all three or one, Sarahzoe, phaeton426, and ssez. Whatever the truth may be one thing is for sure. Nobody knows as yet whether or not Lighthouse really exists.

As the original "Whistle Blower" on the Lighthouse, I do know a few things. I was contacted by a person who claimed to be a member of this organization. I learned that it was started by a group of 5 or 6 friends who lived in and around Chicago. The initial purpose was to make sure that Protectorate factions maintained some sort of playing advantage over Wrath factions. Their method of choice was to use the forums to alter popular opinion and thus persuade the developers to make changes that were advantages to the Protectorate.

Whether they still exist or not, it is likely that they did at one point. The evidence to support this is all over the forums. My guess is they are still around but are significantly more careful who they try to recruit. I also suspect that many if not all of the original members are no longer involved. When I was first contacted, I thought it would be cool to join but quickly changed my mind and declined. If you, the reader, ever get an invitation, I would think twice before getting involved."

From Pox Wiki,

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